
Our Testmonials

What People Say

Ruchi Singh

I found KMI Structural Integration when I did a workshop as part of my Continuous Professional Development which I have to do as a therapist. I was so impressed, I found Dr. Sangeeta Ma'am and booked a course of treatment. So pleased I did; I feel physically uplifted and so energised since starting the sessions

Priyanka Mishra

Dr. Sangeeta Ma'am is able to successfully mix her professional knowledge of structural anatomy with her amiable character. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her. Tony. Mechanical Engineer and keen cyclist

Rashmi Ahuja

Enjoying Pilates for years I found that my muscles had tightened all around my body, my shoulders and neck, ribs and wrists. I was introduced to Dr. Sangeeta Ma'am through Cool Pilates and could not believe the difference she has made to my movement and breathing, my body also feels looser and relaxed. She listened to my concerns and helped release the tightness and relieve the aches. The whole experience has been enlightening. Her advice and recommendations are second to none.

Rekha Sharma

I would recommend that anyone who expects a lot from their body should try a KMI session. I feel it has made me stronger and more supple, and I know what to listen for when I exercise and how to manage my body after exercise too. Not only does Dr. Sangeeta Ma'am do all the hard work but she provides clear and useful advice. Definitely worth every moment of the time spent

Isha Taygi

After breaking an ankle in January of 2012 I was left with posture problems and tightness in muscles all around by body. Luckily I found the Cool Pilates studio in Barnt Green which has been terrific in getting me moving again, they also recommended Dr. Sangeeta Ma'am. Dr. Sangeeta Ma'am has made an amazing difference to my life in relieving my pain and revitalising my entire body, I feel like I have a new lease of life! She is sympathetic and supportive in her approach and has certainly taught me how to look after my body better. I would thoroughly recommend Dr. Sangeeta Ma'am and KMI to anyone.

Pooja Singh

What a wonderful, enjoyable experience with marked difference to my posture and “well-being”. I highly recommend a course from Dr. Sangeeta Ma'am. With her technique in getting deep into the tissues and releasing the skeleton to slowly move into its correct position gave me a feel good factor. Dr. Sangeeta Ma'am starts at the bottom and work upwards explaining what she is doing at all times. After 3 sessions she was able to get my pelvis square which then helped with my overall balance and posture. At 65 there is still a little way to go but money well spent in my opinion and with her advice I am able to continue playing Racketball every day at a good level. Thanks Dr. Sangeeta Ma'am

Sanjana Yadav

I have a thoracic kyphosis and although I have seen some improvements from practising Pilates, I have noticed considerable changes in my postural alignment and range of movement since having regular treatments from Dr. Sangeeta Ma'am. I used to have sports massages which would give me some muscle tension relief but only on a temporary basis. I find KMI far more effective for correcting my postural habits in the long term

Anu Tiwari

I suffered with Hip Bursitis for two years with severe pain when walking. I was limping and struggled to get up stairs. Anti-inflammatories, physiotherapy and 3 steroid injections had failed to work. Someone suggested I try KMI so I contacted Dr. Sangeeta Ma'am. I am so glad I did, after only a few sessions with her, I noticed a difference and soon the problem was gone. Now I can walk with no pain at all. I would highly recommend Dr. Sangeeta Ma'am to anyone with a muscular problem.

Harshita Mishra

I remain a work in progress but my horse is very grateful that I am more balanced and to my surprise I have found I can now let go through my back and do sitting trot comfortably for first time in many years!

Beena Tiwari

After 40 years of back pain and being written off by Osteopaths, Chiropractors and Neurosurgeons, I eventually found Dr. Sangeeta Ma'am! She has straightened me up, relieved me of pain and restored me to normal walking

Gravita Sethi

I first arrived to see Dr. Sangeeta Ma'am after many years of pain and problems with my SI joint and shoulders (I had had a frozen shoulder on each side). All this had caused limited mobility and asymmetry in my torso, neck and legs. I felt very stiff each morning and would have to go to the physio every 6-8 weeks and I also had regular sports massage to keep things looser. Within two sessions with Dr. Sangeeta Ma'am my SI joint felt more stable and strong and has not caused me problems since (over 6 months). In addition my torso, neck and shoulders are moving freely and stably with 95% of their flexibility 15 years ago".

Thanks for all that you do – I appreciate your skills a lot!

Simarjeet Kaur

I recently completed a 12-session course with Dr. Sangeeta Ma'am and it has been a revelation. Years of sedentary work, poor posture and a bad accident a few years ago had all contributed to pain and inflexibility in my neck and back. Despite seeing a number of good bodywork therapists over the years, it felt increasingly like a sticking plaster was being applied to a degenerating situation. When I saw Dr. Sangeeta Ma'am for the first time, I shared my concern that my body had ‘gone too far’ to fully recover. By the end of that session, however, I knew two things: that KMI was going to get to the root of the problem and that Dr. Sangeeta Ma'am was an exceptional therapist. The sessions were a heady mix of powerful bodywork, the release of chronic patterns of tension and laughter. The fourth session saw a major shift forward, as the cumulative effect of the sessions began to radiate out to the whole body. It was an incredibly positive experience and one that I intend to continue with regular ‘top-ups’. Dr. Sangeeta Ma'am is an exceptional therapist and I cannot recommend her, or KMI, highly enough

Riya Sethi

Having been involved in two RTA's in my life and experienced 30 years of lower back problems as a result, I was not expecting a one session fix. Nevertheless, I have experienced noticeable improvements after each session and I'm looking forward to Dr. Sangeeta Ma'am continuing to work her magic!

Sunita Gaur

Overall my body feels 10-15 years younger as a result of sessions with Dr. Sangeeta Ma'am. Levels of stiffness and pain have reduced and flexibility and ease of movement have risen.